Monday, September 15, 2008

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, It's Google chrome??

First came google search, then the g"oogle" mail, and since then it has not stoped, be it mobile OS or maping softwares, there was google always on the forefront of it, with their brilliant software developers making a new code like eating candy, and stealing the market share from the Redmond overlord like stealing candy from a kid.
Their policy, well quite simpe- Do No Evil, absolutely... urm.. opposite to the "micro"coders.
And so on their path, they have released a brand new... internet browser, called google chrome.
Well actually it seems like they have taken all the pointers from their peers, the close to awesome bar from firefox, the yellow(from blue) highlight and the incognito (from private browsing) mode from apple safari, with the hint of fresh thumbnail page displays from opera.
However what I found good in the browser was its stability.It is hard on resources when compared to the other browsers in the short run, but the effects of each page and each tab having its own memory and handles was really startling, not once did it crash on me whereas firefox had done so atleast half a dozen times when it was released, and add ons added to it.
Speed is another plus, with java scripting having a new V8 code, benchmarks like the sunspider ran twice, yes twice as fast as even firefox, leaving all the rest of the browsers in its wake, sniffing dust.
Besides the fast browsing, it also opens up fast, but that is thanks to the fact that it can use multicores in a useful way, unlike the normal browsers.

Ok, so enough of the praises that google is so habituated to hear, you ask if it is the best browser yet?
Far from it, will be the answer from anyone using it long enough.
Firstly I personally hate the fact that it has only been released for windows, who made that decision anyway?They should have released it simultaneosly on all the three major platforms.
The reason google has the "cool" factor is thanks to the nature of the software it develops, alike for all the platforms, nothing that suggests them being even close to Microsoft fanboys.
Second is the features.When I had first fired it up, the one word that had come in my mind to describe it was "minimalistic", and minimalist it was.Sure I donot exactly like the unix style, do it yourself all the time, but atleast a few features would have been good, say the ability to look under the hood of the browser using about:config, or the ability to sync booksmarks with a online place, like delicious does in firefox, or for that matter even a working toolbar from google itself(yeah, google toolbar doesnot support chrome).
besides there isin't even a mechanism wherein the browser woould warn me when i am accidentally about to close a dozen tabs, they just close.
And then there is this big reason google might be doing this browser side-mission,to get the customers to browse faster through google so that they can go there several times,so that they can get increased revenue and also by the collection of search terms.

One big thing that was really more of a necessity and wa missing on chrome was ad-block.
this can be overcome by using a simple bypass technique.
after installing chrome, install privoxy and use the following settings in the options(wrench bar in chrome-upper right corner)-->under the hood-->change proxy settings,  to localhost and port as 8118 in lan settings.
voila, this should do the trick, not as good as the ad block plus in firefox but nevertheless, a way to get around those pesky ads(which you might experience more in chrome thanks to google's adsense), in chrome, IE, opera, safari...
let's hope the RC of the chrome beta is better, and still does no evil...

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